
The University of Toronto Centre for the Study of Pain (UTCSP)


We worked on a brand design and website development for the U of T pain study department.

The brand design we created for UTCSP [shown here] was not used.

  • logo design
  • brand design
  • website design + development
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The Brand Design


The brand design that we created and are showing here was ultimately not used. After exploring and refining several logo and brand design options, the department decided to use branding from a fundraising campaign in existence already, with the classic crest department logo instead.

The icon is representation of pain and the two parts of it of the gradient circle and radiant line elements can be used as design details through the brand design.

The colour red is associated with pain and the blue represents the clinical research side and together are a classic pairing. Adding in the green to the palette is a complimentary colour to the main red and brings in a contemporary tone for the branding.

Brand design process >>

Icon design

Ideally every logo design has an iconic element, wether it be connected to the wordmark or standalone, it’s a critical part of the brand design toolkit that we create. The icons for this logo design, created from left to right, show the evolution and exploration as we considered representing the core subject of pain, research, and then collaboration (a research hub).


The Website


The website is clean and flexible to evolve over time and features an extensive profile directory to organize the many staff, researchers and collaborators across the centre. Also we have standard sections like latest research and an annual event featured prominently.

The main challenges for this website development project were in content organization. With Wordpress, and really any design, the core messaging and content should always lead the design so it’s important to be clear with what you are trying to say before you even start a project.

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Template Designs

We are happy to create any accompanying design assets that the department will need for their online and social communications. Popular assets for research departments include eNewsletter templates, social media image templates, and report templates.

Social media image
Social media image
Mailchimp template design